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API Versioning or Content Versioning
We see or hear this term 'API versioning', mostly during interviews only. In reality not many people care about the right way of API versioning or even don't know about the content versioning.
And it is the hard fact also, that you will rarely hit the right cord to decide on the right way of versioning in your project.
Because first you really be struggling to decide if it is API versioning or the Resource versioning. Then you will struggle to decide on the right way to communicate this versioning concept to your clients without breaking anything on client site.
Well, leaving this to you to think about in your project, but one can get some understanding first around these by reading-
Versioning a REST API | Baeldung
What is API Versioning in REST? (
And it is the hard fact also, that you will rarely hit the right cord to decide on the right way of versioning in your project.
Because first you really be struggling to decide if it is API versioning or the Resource versioning. Then you will struggle to decide on the right way to communicate this versioning concept to your clients without breaking anything on client site.
Well, leaving this to you to think about in your project, but one can get some understanding first around these by reading-
Versioning a REST API | Baeldung
What is API Versioning in REST? (